Ons verhaal
Hey! We are Hans and Winnifred and since 2019 the proud owners of Fjällnäs Camping & Lodges. Originally we come from the Netherlands. We have been enthusiastic outdoor lovers for years. Scandinavia and especially Sweden has stolen our hearts. We would like to share our love and experience of the Swedish nature with our guests. Välkommen till Fjällnäs!

"The mountains are calling and I must go" is my motto.
After studying Geography and Environmental Sciences, I have been working in sustainability and climate domain since 1991. Until the end of April 2019, I led PwC's sustainability practice in the Netherlands as a partner.
In our spare time, we escaped the hectic pace of everyday life and went hiking in the mountains and vast wilderness of Sweden and Norway.
In recent years I have increasingly felt the urge for freedom, nature and the mountains. In the summer of 2018 we bought Fjällnäs Camping & Lodges. A wonderful and exciting adventure! It feels like starting all over again. From sustainability advisor to campsite owner: a great career switch!

"Jag har aldrig gjort så jag tror att jag kan göra". Or in good English: "I have never done it before, so I think I can". Pipi Longstocking spoke these philosophical words and this is the attitude I try to have in life too. My goal is to be carefree and more daring in life, so that new things come your way. I have a background in HR and have worked as a HR-assistant. In 2012 I changed direction and started a dog grooming salon. This was a very nice change, which fitted well into my life at the time.
I am a real nature lover. I love going for walks with our Tibetan terrier Barry. But I also really enjoy socialising and meeting new people. For me, therefore, living and working in Sweden is an exciting adventure that brings all these aspects together. I hope that our guests will have a wonderful time at our campsite and in the fjälls of Funäsdalen.